Plus size shorts for women

Maxi Dress - Plus Size Women

How to wear shorts when you’re plus size

Shorts are a staple product in any wardrobe and are a fantastic option for summer and holidays.
Choosing the right pair of plus size shorts is crucial. Once you find the ones you love, you can unleash your creativity by making them work for you for many outfits to come.

Choose your shape

High rise shorts are usually the best for girls with curves, especially if you are blessed with an hourglass figure. Those mid to high rise options will accentuate your shape and give the most flattering result.
The shorter you are, the shorter you can afford to go with your shorts. It will help make your outfit look ‘just right’. For ladies that are a little taller, why not go for a longer pair or alternatively a pair of capri trousers or pedal pushers? Wide leg cropped trousers can also look well on some taller ladies.

Feel comfortable

You don’t just want to look good, you need to feel at your best too. Which is why choosing a pair of shorts that also offers comfort is important. By choosing a pair that has a material composition that includes elastic, you can bet that they’ll offer a better stretch than a traditional pair of shorts.
Loose leg shapes can also be a blessing on a warm day, where as shorts with a legging texture can help prevent thigh chaffing.
Maxi Dress Styles for plus size women

So now you’ve found your perfect, most comfortable pair – let’s look at how to style them…

Denim & Lace

For a feminine feel that is ON TREND all summer long, opt to mix the textures of denim and lace together. Choose your favourite pair of LJ’s denim shorts and team them with a floaty top that features broderie design or lace. Add a cute pair of wedge heels or trainer pumps and you’re good to go from beach to bar.

Blazer + Shorts + Heels

Whether it’s a hot date or a work outfit to knock the socks off your colleagues, adding a blazer can really pull an outfit together. We’d recommend choosing your favourite shorts first. If they’re a plain print, then why not add a jazzy print blazer OR T-shirt to compliment the look. If your shorts are patterned, then go classy with a plain coloured blazer. Add a pair of kitten or wedge heels and you’re sure to make heads turn.

Add a blouse or shirt

If you don’t want your shorts to look too ‘casual’ then add a fancy blouse into the equation.
A blouse, especially one with a pussybow collar can give your outfit a fashionable edge without looking like you’ve made ‘too much’ effort.
If you’d rather go for a more ‘relaxed coastal’ look then why not team your shorts with a plain vest and wear a loose shirt over the top in ‘open shacket’ style. By opting for an open shirt with a ‘high low’ shape you can modestly cover your bum whilst letting your legs still peep at the sun.

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